Engine Rebuild & SC Conversion
Oct 2007 - First of Three DIY Engine rebuilds including one to get an old 3BRG Engine going that had been in bits for over 20 years.....

..The reason for the work on the 3BRG was to use it as an initial test bed / development platform for the SC conversion to follow..

The first engine build is for the 5 BRG engine that came with my B & follows my (First Track day)

Checking the condition of engine whilst still in car.
No 4 big end / bearings are toast! Crank looks scored.

Decision made to remove engine and rebuild it.

For this rebuild I plan to do most of the work myself but have the block rebored to +60, crank reground and along with new pistons and con rods have those all machined and balanced professionally..

Lifting the engine

..The target was to have the job complete for the 2008 MGOT Silverstone Track Day. I booked a place early as they usually all go within a week of going on-line.

So lots to do in my limited spare time hence working into the night here.
Gearbox temp support

Whilst lifting the engine out I support the gearbox with some strong nylon rope from my windsurfing kit.
I removed no3 & 4 pistons and conrods prior to lifting the block out of the car. Note how no4 big end oil squirting hole is blocked. This may have increased friction & heat in no4. Bore.
Comparing no3 and 4 shell bearings clearly indicates why it sounded more like a machine gun than an MGB once this had occurred.
remove clutch & flywheel Nylon rope used again, this time to stop the flywheel turning whilst undoing the fixings.

On subsequent engine work I use a 1/2 inch pneumatic impact driver picked up at one of the car shows.
flywheel removed Next item to be removed is the backplate.

Back plate removed Backplate removed and some old head studs fitted ready for mounting the block onto my engine stand.

Engine on stand The strip down continues with the engine fitted to a stand.
Timing cover removed Timing cover removed.

The chain and tensioner are fairly new as these had been replaced recently along with the cam which was up graded to a Piper 270.

timing gear removed All of the timing gear is removed including the standard Cam.

I plan to incorporate a number of performance upgrades into this rebuild including a further Cam change to Piper 285 this time which should work well with the 2 inch carbs and increased capacity to 1860 CC.
Check crank shaft Visual Check of the crank shaft before removal.
Using a scrap track rod end It pays to keep some old parts! here I find a use for an old track rod end which is used to assist with removal of the crank bearing holders.
crank shaft removed With the crank, oil pump and cam removed the block is almost ready to go for its rebore.
engine trolley To assist with moving the engine around in the garage I made a small trolley. I new that left over bit of kitchen work top would come in handy!

I took the stripped block to a local garage who arranged for the machining work to be done.

Baffeled sump One possible cause of the engine failure on the track day could have been oil starvation whilst cornering.

So whilst the parts were away and new pistons, 285 Cam etc.etc. were on order I modified the oil sump with some vertical and a horizontal baffles, The gap in the middle is to clear the oil pickup strainer.
Alloy sump baffel I made some cardboard templates for the alloy baffle.

I fitted 5mm alloy threaded inserts to the vertical baffles and attached the alloy baffle using Nylon cheese head bolts.
paint sump The under side gets a tidy up with a coat of engine paint.

DIY Head Work Whilst the block, crank & conrods etc. were away for machining I won a large valve head on E-Bay. This was from a 1974 MGB.

It is now Jan 2008. I will get this head skimmed and unleaded exhaust valves fitted but here I am using a flexible drive and a range of tools to clean up the casting blips etc. to improve the gas flow.


De-Scale Head Soaking the head in some de-scaler.


Large Valve Head The Head is now back from the machine shop skimmed and unleaded & it is getting a coat of paint.



 New Pistons It is now 01/03/2008 and the New balanced +60 AE Pistons, balanced & Lightened con rods, Reground and balanced crank, balanced pulley & rebored block etc. are collected.

It will be very tight to get the car ready for MGOT Silverstone this Month now but I give it a go!
new bearings fitted Rebored block with new shell bearings and assembly lube getting ready for the crank.
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